
33: The Confidence Equation for Entrepreneurs

Discover the simple but challenging formula for building more confidence in yourself to DO what you DARED to dream

There are 2 primary types of confidence, passive or core confidence, and active or initiating confidence. Starting and taking a business from idea to start-up to thriving success isn’t easy. The challenges are not just about management and cashflow or having a great sales pitch…it’s a MIND game. Most entrepreneurs fail because they quit. The research shows that the businesses that are consistent and that evolve and pivot through failure and losses and wins…the ones that stick around and learn as they go, are the ones that will rise to the top.

I want to help entrepreneurs (some of the most courageous people on the planet!) to understand how they could build more confidence…but not just any confidence, what I call, ACTIVE confidence. Active confidence is the confidence to DO things. New things, disruptive things, change-making things.

It’s time to share this life-changing and deceptively simple formula with you so that you can DO what you dared to dream of in your career and business.

Let’s dive in…

Rising Star Business Academy: https://www.cosmicqueenhq.com/Rising-Star-Business-Academy

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